
Do you need adhesive labels for identifying parts for controlling the workflows of industrial assembly or for labelling finished products?

A solution for every application

We meet the requirements for adhesion and material properties, as well as for appearance and printability, of adhesive labels demanded by the industrial/manufacturing industry.

The following industrial/manufacturing areas might have particular requirements for blank or adhesive labels printed:

  • Machine construction (adhesion on difficult substrates– rough and oily; identification of equipment, steel, tin and aluminium surfaces; seals of inspection; model type labels; warning signs; labels with protected surfaces – scratch resistant, etc.)
  • Consumer products (product identification; premium print and finishes with varnishing or laminates; readable barcodes/DMC; guarantee seals; labels of authentication, etc.)
  • Toys (product labelling; compliance with special standards; safety labels; very small formats, etc.)
  • Electronics/electronic technology (identification of electronic components – heat resistance; electrical cable labels, respectively, self-adhering to fold over cable; high resistance to wear, etc.)

For other applications or industrial areas, we can gladly get together with you to find the appropriate labelling solution.

Our product sampling:

Schneeschaufel - Rückseite Etikkierte Schneeschaufel Luftpolsterumschlag
Pressol - Tank Pressol